Republicans Support Edmondson in Digital Spot Launched Today - Drew Edmondson for Governor Republicans Support Edmondson in Digital Spot Launched Today - Drew Edmondson for Governor

Republicans Support Edmondson in Digital Spot Launched Today

Republicans Support Edmondson in Digital Spot Launched Today

OKLAHOMA CITY, Aug. 29, 2018 – With public education in crisis and rural hospitals closing their doors, Democrat Drew Edmondson is finding unlikely allies from across the aisle. Today, Edmondson’s campaign released a made-for-Facebook ad featuring teachers, parents and, yes, Republicans who are supporting his candidacy for governor.

“Remember how bad Mary Fallin was for education,” the ad begins.

“Yea, but at least she signed the teacher pay raise,” Emily Edwards, a teacher from Tulsa responds.

“Kevin Stitt sided with big oil and gas over our kids,” said Republican teacher Britni Hartsfield.

The ad closes with a series of Republican voters vowing to vote for Edmondson on Nov. 6.

“Yea, I’m a Republican, but I’m voting for Drew,” says Kenny Ward, Human Resources Director for Bridge Creek Public Schools.

Bipartisan support for Edmondson’s campaign has continued to grow since the teacher walkout last April. Edmondson, a former public school teacher, walked with the teachers and publicly supported the teacher pay raise plan that passed.

Stitt, whose company has been disciplined or banned in at least eight states, opposed the teacher pay raise plan and said he would’ve vetoed the bill. Since then, the only revenue plan Stitt has proposed would require local districts to increase property taxes.

Citing Stitt’s proposal that would hike property taxes, a group of family farmers and ranchers from across the state announced their support for Edmondson this week.

“Our way of life in rural Oklahoma is worth preserving,” said Joe Ogle, a rancher and member of the council. “Mary Fallin endorsed Stitt. We can’t take four more years of Mary Fallin policies. That’s what got us into this mess. And with Stitt, that’s just what we will get! His only plan to fund local schools is to raise property taxes. That is a sure plan to cause ag folks to pay more AND consolidate your local school. That isn’t an accident. That’s been the Fallin goal and is now the Stitt goal.”

“The bipartisan support for Drew is like nothing I’ve ever seen in Oklahoma,” said Russell Griffin, Field Director for Edmondson’s campaign. “We received more than 5,000 yard sign requests the week after the Republican runoff. Republicans, by and large, are not excited about Stitt’s candidacy. They want real change, and they recognize that Stitt’s talking points have been taken straight from Mary Fallin’s playbook.”

A Navy veteran, Edmondson taught speech and debate at Muskogee Central High School after returning from service in Vietnam. He is a graduate of Northeastern State College and the University of Tulsa School of Law. He is a former Oklahoma attorney general and Muskogee County district attorney.

“The time for partisanship has passed,” Edmondson said. “If we don’t pull together, we’ll end up with eight more years of the same failed policies we’ve seen from the Fallin administration. Whether it’s access to a quality education or affordable health care, we can’t allow a generation of Oklahomans to be shortchanged. I’m ready to make Oklahoma work again. This is our time. This is our chance.”

The digital ad is available here.
